
Eat Clean

In today’s fast paced society we all struggle to find time to cook. Between work, family, and taking care of the day to day aspects of life we are eating out more often. While there is no doubt that eating out is convenient, it is not something you should do for every meal! If you [...]


How do you define fitness? If you are like most people, fitness means belonging to a gym or fitness center, but not actually being FIT. True FITness is a lifestyle of unwavering commitment, a lifestyle that focuses on the ultimate goal, which is your health and well-being. Designing your lifestyle around your health and well-being [...]

Focused Intensity

Think about the concentrated light beam of a laser. Visualize the pin-point accuracy focused on a single area; all of that energy focused on one location.  Now, imagine what you can accomplish if you possessed laser like focus.  What would you accomplish at work?  What would you accomplish with your family? What would you accomplish [...]


FIT / FAT Grammatically speaking only one letter differentiates the two words. But in the physical world the difference between fit and fat cannot be taken lightly. Two-thirds of the US population age 25 and older are either overweight or obese according to a recent study published this past summer in the Journal of the [...]
