
Andy White Goes From Hobby To Consistency – Gets Results

On Jan 1 2014, like millions of others, Andy White made a new year’s resolution to get into shape. On January 2nd he, like millions of others, learned just how out of shape he was. “I went to the track for a run … and after one lap I thought I was literally going to [...]

Dorothy Riggs Exemplifies Wellness as Lifestyle

If you have followed us for any period of time, or ever heard Brian speak, you know that one of our tenets is that wellness is a LIFESTYLE, and that one must maintain CONSISTENCY for effectiveness. Consistently eating healthy and consistently working out are essential. You can not dabble in living a healthy life, you [...]

Stella Hastings Changed Her Goal And Changed Her Life

Her “before and after” pictures show considerable weight loss and strength gain, but Stella Hastings’ real strength goes far beyond what you see in these pictures. If one were to look for the personification of dedication, resolve, and discipline … Stella would be it. But it wasn’t always that way. “I had yo-yo'd so many [...]

Dan Dunbar Has Lost 85 lbs. So Far

With his workout and training program Dan Dunbar has lost 85 pounds so far, almost at his goal of losing 100 pounds. An impressive achievement to be sure but Dan’s story is even more impressive when one considers the obstacles he had to overcome to get there. Just 14 months ago Dan started having intense [...]

Fit For Life

Every January millions of people make the resolution to improve their health either by exercise, diet changes, or both. I often hear people say, “This is the year I’ll lose 20 pounds!  This is the year I’ll exercise 3 times per week!  This is the year I’ll eat better!”  The list goes on and on [...]

New Year’s Resolutions

Rarely in the history of mankind has anything had as high a failure rate as New Year’s Resolutions. (Is there anything out there that fails more? Sure, but they’d have to be pushing a 100% rate of failure … say, for instance, financial advisors, spam email, and possibly this season’s Cleveland Browns). So what is [...]

The Ever Expanding Universe and Your Waistline

This month marks the 100th Anniversary of Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, and that means PARTY TIME!  But before you begin your celestial celebration, keep in mind that aspects of the theory of general relativity (or rather, where the theory is weak (that’s a joke in itself)) could mean that eating too much party food [...]

What Is Your Why?

Why do you exercise? Or more importantly, if you don’t, then why DON’T you exercise? When you don’t exercise the reasons are almost always excuses. When you do exercise you are motivated to do so. This is the reason, or reasons, why we exercise. What motivates one person does not necessarily motivate another, which begs [...]

The 30 Minute Workout

A few weeks ago, in his post “Focused Intensity”, Brian mentioned that - “…the idea that 30 minutes of cardio a day will reduce your risk of heart disease has been proven to be inadequate”. This caused a number of people to ask “Wait, working out 30 minutes is worthless?” Hardly.  Thirty minutes is certainly [...]
