Think about the concentrated light beam of a laser. Visualize the pin-point accuracy focused on a single area; all of that energy focused on one location.  Now, imagine what you can accomplish if you possessed laser like focus.  What would you accomplish at work?  What would you accomplish with your family? What would you accomplish with your health and fitness?  What would you look like and feel like?

Are you are constantly fighting that never ending battle of the bulge? Are you worn out before you get started?  Are you a  part-time fitness center member with high ambitions, but low expectations?  In order to improve your fitness level you need to step out of your comfort zone, surround yourself with like-minded people, stop making excuses, and get to the gym everyday.  And, in order to get FIT you need to FOCUS.

The idea that 30 minutes of cardio a day will reduce your risk of heart disease has been proven to be inadequate.  In order to stave off heart disease and type II diabetes we must approach our health and fitness with greater intensity, with laser like focus.  Focus on daily fitness, focus on daily nutrition, and focus on committing to a new you.  Focused Intensity Today will get you FIT.

At Pinamonti Fitness Center we have a saying: “Movement is life!”  It’s our credo and it’s easy to put into practice:

Step one: Exercise more today than you did yesterday.

Step two: Repeat!