
Jim Martino – Running Definition of Dedication

He became a member the very first week we opened. He’s the walking (or rather “running”) definition of dedication and loyalty. He works out for two and a half hours each session, usually three times a week. It is not time spent somewhat idly, and it’s not time without structure or purpose. It’s two and [...]

Todd Mosburg Shows That Movement + Dedication = Change

You’ve undoubtedly heard us say, repeatedly, that “movement plus dedication equals change” and our featured member, Todd Mosburg, is the embodiment of that. Todd joined Pinamonti Wellness Center five years ago, shortly after we opened. He saw our facility as a perfect fit, “It’s a professional gym that would help me reach my fitness goals,” [...]


Growing up my friends and I used to swim in the pits around the area in which we lived. We were very outdoorsy and always found ourselves camping, fishing, and swimming in every pit or pond we could get to by bike or foot in the summers. I will never forget, one particular area [...]

Book Club – Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

This week we review Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn's "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" “If you follow a plant-based nutrition program to reduce your total cholesterol level to below 150 mg/dL and the LDL level to less than 80 mg/dL, you cannot deposit fat and cholesterol into your coronary arteries. Period.” [...]

Habits Determine Your Health

Your habits determine your health!  It’s that simple. If you can change your habits, you can change your health. Realize this, we are either healthy or unhealthy. Which are you? Don’t sugar coat your answer, we can justify everything these days and we usually do. Change only happens when you are totally honest with yourself [...]

Why Diets Fail

Diets are much like processed foods, there are too many and no one ever really has been able to sustain their long term weight loss by using either.  Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States.  But it doesn’t just affect us, our global economy has now brought our affluent diseases to nearly every region of [...]

Mike Pace Embodies Fitness as a Lifestyle

In one of his first blog pieces on our website Brian Pinamonti wrote, “True fitness is a lifestyle of unwavering commitment, a lifestyle that focuses on the ultimate goal, which is your health and well-being.”  At Pinamonti Wellness Center we’re all about fitness as a lifestyle and not just something you do from time to [...]

Stretch to Improve Performance

As you are reading this you are probably in a seated, forward head, rounded shoulders, somewhat slouched posture. Am I right? Odds are I am because the majority of us find ourselves in a posture similar to this most of the day, especially if we are desk jockeys! Posture has a significant impact on [...]

Kelli Gaddy Runs – Ends Up Further Than She Thought

Running, like life, leads you along a path. Sometimes it takes you where you anticipated going and sometimes it takes you someplace different. We all have our reasons for taking the path we take. In Kelli Gaddy’s case it started by joining our Pinamonti Run club and eventually along a path that took her [...]

The Squat

Fitness and Health are likely very important to you otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this Blog (unless you stumbled upon this piece by accident, in which case “Welcome.”  Stick around with us and see what we’re all about).  Today we are going to examine one exercise that is [...]
