Group Fitness

Kelli Gaddy Runs – Ends Up Further Than She Thought

Running, like life, leads you along a path. Sometimes it takes you where you anticipated going and sometimes it takes you someplace different. We all have our reasons for taking the path we take. In Kelli Gaddy’s case it started by joining our Pinamonti Run club and eventually along a path that took her [...]

Movement Is Life

In the internet universe, quotes, more times than not, are wrongly attributed to someone. Any time you’re surfing the web you will inevitability come across a picture of a famous historical person with a quote, something they supposedly said, but did not. The quotes are either misquoted, wrongly attributed, or worse (and most often) [...]

Andy White Goes From Hobby To Consistency – Gets Results

On Jan 1 2014, like millions of others, Andy White made a new year’s resolution to get into shape. On January 2nd he, like millions of others, learned just how out of shape he was. “I went to the track for a run … and after one lap I thought I was literally going to [...]

Stella Hastings Changed Her Goal And Changed Her Life

Her “before and after” pictures show considerable weight loss and strength gain, but Stella Hastings’ real strength goes far beyond what you see in these pictures. If one were to look for the personification of dedication, resolve, and discipline … Stella would be it. But it wasn’t always that way. “I had yo-yo'd so many [...]
