Brian’s Blog


Growing up my friends and I used to swim in the pits around the area in which we lived. We were very outdoorsy and always found ourselves camping, fishing, and swimming in every pit or pond we could get to by bike or foot in the summers. I will never forget, one particular area [...]

Habits Determine Your Health

Your habits determine your health!  It’s that simple. If you can change your habits, you can change your health. Realize this, we are either healthy or unhealthy. Which are you? Don’t sugar coat your answer, we can justify everything these days and we usually do. Change only happens when you are totally honest with yourself [...]

Why Diets Fail

Diets are much like processed foods, there are too many and no one ever really has been able to sustain their long term weight loss by using either.  Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States.  But it doesn’t just affect us, our global economy has now brought our affluent diseases to nearly every region of [...]

Stretch to Improve Performance

As you are reading this you are probably in a seated, forward head, rounded shoulders, somewhat slouched posture. Am I right? Odds are I am because the majority of us find ourselves in a posture similar to this most of the day, especially if we are desk jockeys! Posture has a significant impact on [...]

The Squat

Fitness and Health are likely very important to you otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this Blog (unless you stumbled upon this piece by accident, in which case “Welcome.”  Stick around with us and see what we’re all about).  Today we are going to examine one exercise that is [...]

Fit For Life

Every January millions of people make the resolution to improve their health either by exercise, diet changes, or both. I often hear people say, “This is the year I’ll lose 20 pounds!  This is the year I’ll exercise 3 times per week!  This is the year I’ll eat better!”  The list goes on and on [...]

What Is Your Why?

Why do you exercise? Or more importantly, if you don’t, then why DON’T you exercise? When you don’t exercise the reasons are almost always excuses. When you do exercise you are motivated to do so. This is the reason, or reasons, why we exercise. What motivates one person does not necessarily motivate another, which begs [...]

Eat Clean

In today’s fast paced society we all struggle to find time to cook. Between work, family, and taking care of the day to day aspects of life we are eating out more often. While there is no doubt that eating out is convenient, it is not something you should do for every meal! If you [...]


How do you define fitness? If you are like most people, fitness means belonging to a gym or fitness center, but not actually being FIT. True FITness is a lifestyle of unwavering commitment, a lifestyle that focuses on the ultimate goal, which is your health and well-being. Designing your lifestyle around your health and well-being [...]

Focused Intensity

Think about the concentrated light beam of a laser. Visualize the pin-point accuracy focused on a single area; all of that energy focused on one location.  Now, imagine what you can accomplish if you possessed laser like focus.  What would you accomplish at work?  What would you accomplish with your family? What would you accomplish [...]
